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Ben Griffin,Tim Cafe, Harriet Miller -Brown, Andrew Wylie and Leighton Winsloe all of whom are members of  the NZ Alpine Team are now NZSIA Level 2 Instructors.

 Under Scott Dagg’s coaching all worked really hard at their demos teaching and analysis. As well as having alot of fun ripping up the fresh snow at Coronet Peak.

Examiners Stephanie Brown, Scott Dagg and Dave Taylor said was great to watch them  doing their free runs down Exchange at Coronet Peak – there were mostly 10s on the marking sheets.

 Team members said that they all felt challenged and enjoyed learning more about how upper level skiing relates to teaching.

NZSIA is proud to have them all as level 2 members of the NZSIA and hope to have more involvemnt in future years.


NZ Ski Team Level Two with Stephanie Brown, Scott Dagg and Fiona Boyer