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Rhys has been selected for this year’s award which will be presented at the snowsports award ceremony in 2012. Cesar Piotto nominated Rhys –

“Rhys has been an integral part of the Snowboard team for a number of years.
Rhys is being nominated because of his ongoing dedication, leadership and professionalism he has displayed through the last few seasons, but have really shone in 2011.

Setting his sights to the SNB trainers exam, he was at first unsuccessful and he bounced back with determination that is not often witnessed in the Snowsports industry. Not only did he step up a few gears, he was inspirational to the entire crew as they also stepped up in their own individual pursuits. Rhys sought help, challenged himself and devoted everything he had in order to fill the gaps which were presented to him as feedback when he was unsuccessful at the exam… This was always done whilst still helping, inspiring and leading the SNB crew at Coronet Peak, and he even managed to teach a few lessons as well!

At his second attempt, he missed out in only one category which the examining staff allowed him to resit a week later after he had sought out more feedback and coaching. What is instrumental in this nomination, is that when Rhys had to get a group of people to be his audience for his Teach to Develop clinic, there we no shortage of people willing to help.

Rhys is a worthy candidate, and a representation of the professional NZSIA / SBINZ is creating.”