The SBINZ returned to Niseko, Japan in February to run a Children’s Teaching Certification followed by a Level Two exam. Paul Philip is our Children’s specialist so he was the lucky examiner who got to go – and he was especially lucky this year as Niseko has had a record season. By the time he arrived they had already had over 20 metres of snow for the season and it was still falling hard!!

It was a really successful trip with everyone passing both exams and having a great time riding powder in the process. It was the first time we have run the Children’s Teaching Certification overseas and we are planning to do the same next year so come and join us in powder paradise!

Thanks again to Brian and Keith from the Niseko Academy for helping to organise the event for their instructor trainees, and also to Grand Hirafu Resort who kindly provided Paul with lift tickets for the week.

Matt Phare

Course Manager SBINZ

Paul Philip with the Niseko Children’s Group in February 2012