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Time to vote!

We received no nominations for the President position. Peter Clinton-Baker will be remaining in the President position for another term.
Two nominations have been received for the Vice President position. The information on each of the nominees is at the end of this newsletter.
Only current full members are eligible to vote. To get your membership current, click here.
Options available to vote: Postal, Proxy, Electronic and on AGM night. (Click on each option for the downloaded form/web address)
Deadline for Proxy votes: 4.00pm Wednesday 1st June 2016.
Deadline for Postal and Electronic votes: 4.00pm Thursday 9th June 2016.
Or vote on AGM night: 5.30pm Thursday 16th June 2016 – Peak Functions – 181/185 Upton St, Wanaka
Constitution Changes

Changes have been proposed to the Constitution. The proposed changes will be voted on by resolution passed by 3/5ths majority of those present at the AGM.
To download and view current Constitution, click here.
To download and view Constitution suggested changes, click here.
To download and view the notes explaining the suggested changes to the Constitution, click here.

Vice President Nominees 2016

Daniel Bogue:

I have been a member of the NZSIA since 1995 when I passed my then Stage 1 Ski exam while studying a BCom in Accountancy at Otago University.

After completing my degree I began working a series of back-to-back winters instructing in Canada and at Treble Cone. I continued to work through the NZSIA system and in 2001 I was part of the first group to pass the new Trainers’ Certification exam.

After 14 seasons working in the northern and southern hemispheres as a trainer, supervisor and manager I decided to settle in Wanaka and took up a job at Mead and Stark Chartered Accountants. In this role I gained experience and expertise in tax and financial reporting, budgeting and auditing. I continued to study and became an Associate Chartered Accountant in 2004.

In 2007 I was drawn back to the snow with the opportunity to continue my work as a trainer and supervisor in NZ and the United States. In 2009 I took up a role as a business consultant for two companies in Las Vegas where I met my partner. We relocated back to Wanaka in 2011 to raise our now two children.

I currently own and operate a chain of tyre stores in Otago and am the CFO for the New Zealand wide co-operative company. I am directly responsible for the financial performance of the individual stores within the co-operative and as such work closely with my managers and co-owners to set future strategy geared for financial success.

I undertake ongoing professional development and training and as a member of the Accountancy Institute have access to a wide range of subject matter and courses. With recent changes in legislation, health and safety has become a priority and as a business owner I have been forced to work hard in this area.

I retain close ties with the snow sports industry, training and working part-time with the Rookie Academy, and relish every opportunity for time on snow.

The snow sports industry had given me a lot and I am passionate about contributing to its future success, particularly within the instruction industry in NZ. It is for this reason I am interested in joining the Executive of the NZSIA. With my background in finance and business consulting I believe I can offer the skills and knowledge to assist the NZSIA as it continues to grow and meet the challenges of the changing snow sports environment.

Mark Cruden:

I have been a passionate member of the NZISA since 1998 when I achieved my NZSIA stage 2 (level 3). I became an examiner in 2000 and following a brief break from the industry went on to be selected for the NZSIA demo team in 2007, attending Interski in 2011 and again in 2015 as the Team Manager. In addition I attended the Interski General Assembly in 2013. I was a member of the ski committee from 2011 to 2013 during which time I developed and oversaw the implementation of the ISIA Card Qualification – NZ being the first southern hemisphere country to achieve this standard. I have recently been appointed as one of two Asia Pacific representatives on the ISIA technical commission.

Outside of the snowsports industry I am a Chartered Professional Civil Engineer. I am the Vice Chairman of the National Pavements Group – an industry body tasked with the development of best practice in road design and construction in NZ.

In my engineering career I have recently stepped down from a directorship of a major civil construction business to spend more time with my family. I am now self-employed as an engineering consultant to NZTA, local government and private clients.

I believe the leadership experience I have gained to date within and beyond the snowsports industry will serve me well if elected as vice president.

My primary goal, if elected, would be to secure a sustainable future for the organisation through the development and retention of our membership. Specific initiatives that I will focus on to realise this goal will be:

  • Increase the relevance and recognition of our qualifications both domestically and internationally,
  • Work collaboratively with our industry partners: ski areas, snowsports NZ etc. to develop more long term career opportunities for our members (of all levels) both at home and abroad,

Increase the influence of NZSIA within Interski and ISIA at a time of high change for both these organisations. This will ensure that the future structure of these organisations is relevant and beneficial to the NZSIA.