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What a season! Amazing snow right from the start down south, borders reopened and we saw a significant number of our membership return to New Zealand which was exciting to see. Welcome back!

A massive thank you to all our members, the New Zealand resorts and our awesome trainers!! We ran a lot of courses in a very short period of time, often with limited availability. With patience and perseverance, hopefully we got most of you on everything you were hoping to do this season. The North Island had some significant challenges with the snow gods not playing the game, we are hopeful to be back up there and supporting you in 2023!!

We are about to head into our Northern Hemisphere operations which is really exciting to be back. Some updates for you before we kick that off:

Farewell to our Ski Manager – Steph Brown

After 16 years as the Ski Course Manager, Stephanie Brown is stepping down. Steph has been an active member of the NZSIA for 36 years and we hope that she will remain active for many more, continuing to give her all in the pursuit of ski teaching excellence.

Steph has always had one clear thing in her mind through all those years as Course Manager – the candidates; the members of the NZSIA who are taking part in Ski Courses. Many, many hundreds of NZSIA members and candidates will have phoned, emailed or spoken directly to Steph, and through all those years she has always been there, always ready to answer questions and help organise things so that the candidates and the members are in the best position to be successful in whatever qualification they are wanting to achieve.

Steph has helped mentor and guide many NZSIA examiners through the role of working for the NZSIA. She has seen Presidents, Committees and staff members come and go. She has seen skis change, she has seen chairlifts and base buildings expand and develop, and she has seen the professionalism of the NZSIA take on new heights, that are far from the early more pragmatic and cavalier ways of yesteryear.

Through all the change she has been a constant. Constantly moving NZSIA Ski forward and keeping a close and caring eye on the next wave of NZSIA candidates and members, making sure that they are looked after.

But it is not only in NZ where Steph’s influence has been felt, through all those years of service to the NZSIA, Aspen USA has been her second home with many connections, friendships and guidance being given to ski teaching professionals who are not part of the NZSIA. When those overseas ski instructors see the care, compassion and professionalism that Steph constantly models then we know that she has shone a glowing light upon what we do here in NZ with the NZSIA.

Thanks Steph – From Colin Tanner and NZSIA Management Team

NZSIA 2022 Management team – Stephanie Brown, Jane Stevens, Yolinde Magill, Ben Clarbrough, Cilla Duff, Fi Ryall, Colin Tanner, Rachael Milner, Dave O’Sullivan, Glenn Bradley, Daniel Bogue, Richie Johnston, Claire Dooney, Keith Stubbs

Words from Steph

Being involved with and working as an Examiner and Course Manager for the NZSIA has been one of the greatest times of my life. So many many wonderful memories of all the awesome people I have been fortunate have met, worked with and been inspired by. Thanks alot to you all.

So many special people who have mentored and helped me from my very beginning Ski Instructor days and to a certain extent still do. Just to mention a few Tony Graham, Des Peters, Robin & Marilyn Armstrong, Ingie Franberg, Peter & Maureen Clinton-Baker.

The Ski Division Examining Team is a crew I am very proud of and proud to have been part of the team that helped develop the Examining crew over the last 16 years. The NZSIA Ski Division is and always will be in my heart with warmth and fondness.

I hope you see you out and about skiing in winter 2023.

Ski Divisional Manager 2023

As a result of of Steph stepping down as Ski Manager, there is an exciting opportunity for the next Ski Divisional Manager. Applications close 18th Nov 5pm – find out more: here

NZSIA – 50th Anniversary

We finally got our 50th Anniversary weekend done  – a year later!! Thank you so much to everyone that joined us and helped make it such a special weekend! We have the photos available on the downloads page under General downloads: 50th Anniversary Photos Please send us any photos you have from the weekend so we can add them to our collection: Email admin
We will set up a page on the website over the summer to store everything so you to easily access everything we gathered from the last couple of years for this event. More on this to come next year.
Merchandise: we still have a couple of XL 50th anniversary tshirts left and a few 50th Anniversary hats. These can be purchased through The NZSIA Shop
ISIA stamps for 2023
The ISIA stamps are here nice and early this year. If you need a stamp, ensure we have:
– Confirmation of at least 1 days recent training (contact us for the online option we have available)
– Payment for the stamp through The NZSIA Shop – $25
– Membership current for 2023 – Login here
Japan courses for the Northern Winter
We are very excited to have some courses running in Japan this Northern Winter after a couple of years away and a level one in Austria also before the end of the year. Availability is pretty limited, so if you are interested, please get your place secure. If you book on 2023 courses, ensure your membership is current for 2023.
Ski Courses: Calendar
Snowboard Courses: Calendar
Getting current

Memberships will be rolling over on the 1st Jan 2023. For the first time in many years it is going up to $90 per year. It will still be at $85 until the end of the year – so pay in advance and save! If you are applying for New Zealand employment in 2023, applications open early next year. Now is a good time to get yourself sorted.

  • Log into your profile here.
  • A PDF version of your card will be created by the office and emailed to you once you have paid.
  • Check to make sure you have a photo uploaded to your profile (similar to a passport photo).
  • If you require a physical card you can purchase one from our online shop for $5 – NZSIA online shop.
  • Any problems please email

Instructor of the Year 2022

We had 4 amazing finalists this year for Instructor of the Year 2022. We were lucky enough 3 of them were able to join us for the evening of celebrations in Wanaka at the Annual Snowsports Awards. The winner was Katharina Mueller from Cardrona – Congratulations!

Calendar for New Zealand 2023

Check out our calendar as of mid January 2023, that is when we will release our courses for the 2023 winter season in New Zealand.

If you have any questions, please let us know:

Office Hours over the Holidays

The administration for NZSIA will be closed over the Christmas and New Year period from Friday 23rd December 2022 until Monday 9th January 2023. For any urgent issues that need to be resolved over this time, please contact on: 0275341796….emails will not be monitored during this time.

Your NZSIA team