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Works at: Snowfarm

Eric started alpine skiing when he was two and half years old at Lake Ōhau. His Dad was a ski instructor from way back over in Bohemia so skiing was inevitable. About 19 years of trips there as well as a year working there and ski patrolling saw Eric branch out a bit.
His career as a high school outdoor education teacher in Alexandra meant lots of trips to the mountains. During this time Eric switched to the graceful art of Telemark about 35 years ago and shortly after that cross country skiing became his other key sport. Stage 1 Telemark and Stage 1 Cross Country were ticked off along the way with the brilliant training of Jef Desbecker and Whitney Thurlow and Sally Jones. A CANSI XC qualification came into the mix and then Eric had about ten years being coached and mentored by the legendary instructor Alexei Sotskov – ex Russian Olympic skier, top end USA high school Nordic ski coach and current Australian XC ski team national coach. Alexei’s wealth of knowledge and huge experience base worldwide meant he had developed a unique teaching model different from some of the main international instructional models. Eric and others found this so effective it now makes up the key beginner progressions in the New Zealand system.
Eric loves the peace, tranquillity and serenity of cross country skiing as well as ripping it up on his Telemark skis later in the season. In the winter he skis and the rest of the year is now devoted to fine art photography and volunteer work with search and rescue as well as training and assessing XC ski Instructors and Examiners via NZSIA and NZQA Te Mahi Ako qualifications.