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Trainers work with Nils Coberger

This week the examining crew took advantage of the great end of season  snow by getting together for one last training camp. The two day camp at  Coronet Peak was run by Nils Coberger who has worked for the last three years with the NZSIA demo team in preparation for...

NZ Ski Team Complete Level Two

Ben Griffin,Tim Cafe, Harriet Miller -Brown, Andrew Wylie and Leighton Winsloe all of whom are members of  the NZ Alpine Team are now NZSIA Level 2 Instructors.  Under Scott Dagg’s coaching all worked really hard at their demos teaching and analysis. As well as...

Level Three Precourse at Treble Cone

Jonathan Ballou in uniform with the 12 participants on the Level 3 Precourse. The great conditions and weather made it really fun ripping out some great turns on TC ..