Instructor of the Year
Every year, we receive submissions from the many ski and snowboard schools around the country, putting forward their best instructor for the NZSIA Instructor of the Year award. Winners receive a lifetime membership to NZSIA, plus an all-expenses paid weekend in Queenstown or Wanaka for the awards night.
2024 Instructor of the Year – Frank Wylie
Works at: Coronet Peak Frank Wylie is nominated for his exceptional dedication to snowsports teaching over the past 30 years. Frank’s commitment to his role is evident in every lesson he delivers, and his ability to connect with guests is truly impressive. He not only...
2022 Instructor of the Year – Katharina Mueller
Works at: Cardrona Kat is the kind of instructor that everyone wants on their team. She is exceptional in her role as an instructor for all ages & levels and inspirational as a team member, encouraging & supporting those around her. Kat champions our adaptive...
2020 Instructor of the Year – Rowan Pemberton
Rowan does EVERYTHING and has been an integral employee across all three NZSKI mountains this season! He delivers high performance workshops, sets up our Snowsports meeting area before anyone else arrives, coaches all day privates and teaches school groups – all with...
2018 Instructor of the Year – Oliver Midgley
Ollie Midgley is tall, half kiwi, half Aussie, smiley, fun to be around, passionate about snowboarding & teaching and NEVER has a bad day on snow. He is a talented rider, an invested coach & trainer and a fantastic role model for anyone in our industry. He...
2023 Instructor of the Year – Rebecca Matthew
Works at: Cardrona Rebecca "'Becca"' is a level 3 female snowboard superstar ! She has come into our school with an awesome energy and a passion for the sport that is infectious. She has encouraged our other whaine to challenge themselves and leads by example. Becca...
2021 Instructor of the Year – Heaven Zhang
Works at : NZSki Heaven is a very patient and compassionate instructor, who knows the SBINZ manual inside-out. Her passion for instructing is only surpassed by her drive to snowboard and improve her skills. She is always keen for laps on breaks and never misses a 9am...
2019 Instructor of the Year – Will Marcinowski
Will has been working in Ohau Snow Fields for 4 winter seasons. He's been a real inspiration to the local children, he has worked with the local school for a number of seasons. He has helped to develop two of these children to take their Snowboard Level 1 exam this...
2017 Instructor of the Year – Kim Cosman
Qualifications with NZSIA: Adaptive Examiner, Ski Children's Cert Level one Employed: NZSki – Remarkables – their thoughts: Kim has been a natural leader within the Remarks Snowsports School since becoming part of the crew in 2012. Specialising in adaptive and...
Previous Winners
2013: Richard Webb
2012: Nicole Ellis
2011: Rhys Jones
2010: Ross James
2009: Johnathan Evans
2008: Kirsty Hole
2007: Peter Ganderton
2006: Ricky Otaki
2005: Jane Stevens
2004: Lauren Williams
2003: Kelly Young
2002: Adam Cuff
2001: Kate Pattison-Hunter
2000: Stephanie Brown